Everything that rises must converge: Reflections on AAM2015

Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  1942.   I’m not sure why this phrase “Everything that rises…

The Generosity of Social Media

  Utility, Ubiquity, Unselfishness A few months ago Neal Stimler, media visionary and digital specialist at the Met in New York, spoke on The Commons and Digital Humanities.  “Utility, Ubiquity, Unselfishness,” he said, must be the qualities for the future of the digital humanities.  In this post I’d like to acknowledge just these characteristics in…

Museums and Social Media – Don’t Forget the International Perspective

  Last week I participated in a Twitter chat on what kind of social media training and skills new and emerging museum professional should have.  I was especially interested because during our recent teaching stint in India my co-teacher and I had for the first time worked a number of social media requirements and activities into…

Increasing Museum Transparency through Social Media at the Levine Museum

  Recent posts on Museum Commons have addressed issues of museum empathy and  the use of social media to include the visitor voice.  In this connection the Education Department of the Levine Museum of the New South contacted me about a new summer program that is using social media to connect more closely with the…

Twitter for the Rest of Us

Museum folks in senior/leadership positions should be on Twitter! A number of museum people of a certain (dare I say it?) age and/or self-regard (educated, well-read, busy, already inundated by media, steeped in museum culture, interested in the future of museums) wouldn’t be caught dead on Twitter.  I can say this, because until a few…

Participatory Culture in Museums- Smooth Sailing or a Bumpy Ride?

Writing this blog for six months has introduced me to all kinds of fascinating conversations found in other museum-related blogs and tweets. There’s a whole new world out there of ready-to-hand (but how make it ready-to-mind?) information about: ·         museums ·         participatory culture ·         new uses for technology, especially social media But how are all…