Serrell’s “Judging Exhibitions” in India

Broad use of the Excellent Judges Framework inside institutions, and advocacy of visitor-centered goals by exhibition professionals, just might make all of our jobs a bit easier—and the products of our efforts more effective—in the future.  Beverly Serrell.  2006 We’re over ten years into the future envisioned by Beverly Serrell, one of the most respected…

More Museum Voices from India: Responsiveness to Community

Today, museums must become agents of change and development. Kumar Science Museums have a responsibility to foster an environment that encourages and accepts religious, cultural, physical, and experiential differences. Seetha In my last post we met students who spoke about their motivations for becoming science museum professionals.  In this post we’ll hear from the students…

Remember Bhopal Museum: A Victory for Museums of Difficult History

Almost 27 years ago, 42 tons of the poisonous methyl isocyanate gas escaped from the American pesticide factory Union Carbide in Bhopal.  It killed about 4,00 people in the first few days, and eventually left over 14,000 dead. It has been called the world’s worst industrial disaster, and residents say that even today, more than…

Voices from India: The Challenges Science Museums Face

Here’s my second post from Kolkata, India, featuring the observations of National Council of Science Museums students–some staff and some Fellows–on the challenges of science museums in India today.  Notice that many of the challenges are faced by science museums everywhere. Back row, L to R: Anuj and Bikash; Front row, L to R: Neelu,…

See You in Baltimore?

I’ll be at the annual conference of the American Alliance of Museums in Baltimore, MD from May 19 through 22.  If you are attending, please say hello, especially if we haven’t met before. If you are a regular reader of this blog you may be interested in a couple of sessions that I’ll be chairing:…