Pop Ups: Disrupting the Idea of “Museum”

  By Gretchen Jennings and Monica Montgomery  At the start, many of us were curious about why the project was designed as a partnership with a library instead of another museum.  However, by the end of the project, we not only understood why, but also realized it would not have worked any other way.   Student report. On January 16, 2016, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, The…

Joint Statement from Museum Bloggers and Colleagues on Ferguson and Related Events

  The recent series of events, from Ferguson to Cleveland and New York, have created a watershed moment. Things must change. New laws and policies will help, but any movement toward greater cultural and racial understanding and communication must be supported by our country’s cultural and educational infrastructure. Museums are a part of this educational…

Dear Boston: Bravo!

In the wake of the terrible bombings at the Boston Marathon last year on April 15, and as part of my series of posts on the Empathetic Museum, I wrote with admiration  about the ways in which Boston museums had rallied for their community. A week or so later I posted again , this time focusing on the…