Join Museum Workers Speak for a listening session on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 7:30 pm ET. Go to this invitation for more information on the event and on how to participate.
The Museum Workers Relief Fund
MWS is a collective of activist museum workers interrogating the relationship between museums’ stated commitments to social value and their internal labor practices. You may already know that we raised $50,000 in seven weeks for our Museum Workers Relief Fund, which has distributed 100 gifts to museum workers who have lost jobs or income due to the impact of COVID19. The fund is focusing on the most vulnerable of our colleagues – front of house workers, those of color, and indigenous workers.
Here are a few of the many comments we’ve received.
From donors:
In solidarity and support of all museum workers unfairly let go during this time. We need each other more than ever.
For my colleagues in our field who translate the potential of museums into meaning and public impact, in all the forms that can take.
From recipients
Thank you SO MUCH friends! I was randomly selected as one of the first recipients of the $500.
I applied to fund because I’ve been temporarily laid off due to COVID-19. It has been a really difficult experience both mentally and financially. I am sure museums and galleries will be the last to open, but the safety of patrons is critical. This grant will help me sustain myself (rent, food, electricity) till the gallery and museum I work at is re-opened. Also, it is a nice emergency fund in case my job doesn’t come back which is a real possibility for me.
What does caring look like beyond a relief fund?
In the midst of this severe health and economic crisis we are aware that racism, white supremacy, and oppression exacerbate and perpetuate the plight of all workers, including those in museums. We hope to continue and to expand our fundraising effort. Further, we would like to hear from our colleagues what larger role you think we might play in the radical transformation of museums. In the last few weeks, we have experienced the community and solidarity that come from a mutual aid project such as the relief fund. Can this be the core of a wider movement? In what direction? Please join and participate on July 22. 7:30 pm ET. For more information see this link
If you have comments or questions sent a tweet to me @gretchjenn. Thanks and hope to see you on July 22, 2020.