Museums are in trouble

The government shutdown in Minnesota is now in its second week, with no end in sight, closing the Minnesota Historical Society and its museums, libraries, and historic sites throughout the state.  But as a colleague from Minnesota writes. “Actually, I think what Minnesota is facing now is just one version of what other states, cities,…

Cultural commons held hostage by Minnesota budget feud

If you go to the home page of the Minnesota History Center you’ll see announcements for events in July and August –Tuesday night concerts, a history pub crawl, museum theater – as well as information about current and future exhibitions.  But look at the upper left-hand corner and you’ll see a diagonal banner: CLOSED! And across the…

Introducing this blog

You’re at a dinner party with museum colleagues. All kinds of questions and observations filter across the table and around the room. What did you think about the most recent conference? Why do most museums seem to avoid edgy and groundbreaking topics? Is government funding driving our approach to museum education?  Why is University X opening a new…