Pop Ups: Disrupting the Idea of “Museum”

  By Gretchen Jennings and Monica Montgomery  At the start, many of us were curious about why the project was designed as a partnership with a library instead of another museum.  However, by the end of the project, we not only understood why, but also realized it would not have worked any other way.   Student report. On January 16, 2016, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, The…

Joint Statement on Museums and Ferguson: First Anniversary

On December 11, 2014, and in the days following a number of us posted a joint statement expressing our concern about museums’ lack of recognition of the underlying causes of the events in Ferguson (writ large). The statement has had both immediate and continuing impact, so I think it’s worth republishing it, and reflecting on…

#MuseumsrespondtoFerguson: What’s Authentic?

  In December 2014, in the midst of demonstrations and widespread discussion about race and racism in the aftermath of a grand jury’s decision against indicting a white police officer for shooting an unarmed black teen,  a group of bloggers (including this one) and colleagues posted their Joint Statement urging museums to become involved and…