The Changing Role of Museum Educators: A Conversation

For some months now museum educator, consultant, and blogger Rebecca Herz and I have been exchanging thoughts on the roles and future of museum educators, mostly by email.슠 But weve also been talking about making our conversations more public.슠 Rebeccas recent thoughtful post, What Does a Museum Educator Do? (And Do We Need Them?)슠offers, I…

Unaccompanied Children at the Border: Can Museums Help?

I’ve written a guest post on museums and the unaccompanied children at the border for AAM’s Center for the Future of Museums. 슠Below is the introduction. The theme of the슠Alliance 2015 conference슠is슠Museums and Social Value. Leading up to that meeting in Atlanta, CFM will be hosting a number of guest bloggers addressing various aspects of…

The Empathetic Museum Pop-Up Session: AAM 2014

  A small but enthusiastic group met슠on May 20 in “The Unconference Room” 슠at the American Alliance of Museum’s 2014 meeting in Seattle to continue discussions on The Empathetic Museum that began at AAM’s meeting in Baltimore in 2013: Janeen Bryant VP for Education at the Levine Museum of the New South; Karen Hasselflet, Cultural…

Dear Boston: Bravo!

In the wake of the terrible bombings at the Boston Marathon last year on April 15, and as part of my series of posts on the Empathetic Museum, I슠wrote with admiration슠 about the ways in which Boston museums had rallied for their community. A week or so later I posted again슠, this time슠focusing on the…

11 Questions for a Museum Blogger

As a follow-up to #Museum Blogger day on Twitter (March 19), co-organizers Jamie Glavic and Jenni Fuchs have created a kind of bloggers round robin to keep up the momentum. Various bloggers answer 11 questions about themselves and their blogs and then tap others to do the same. 슠Uncatalogued Museum author슠Linda Norris has asked me…

Museum Educators Next, Part III: Incorporating Visitor Voices

In my first two posts regarding what’s next for museum educators (September 17슠and October 1) I promised to take a look at some of the skills educators should be cultivating슠so that they can슠contribute more effectively to the museum’s role as an슠informal space for learning and engagement.슠슠It happens that I’ve been talking with Allison Wickens,슠an energetic…